in the long human saga of dire forebodings is the electoral victory of Donald
Trump on November 8th 2016 - an event that has unleashed a torrent of alarmist
rhetoric from prominent members of the commentariat. Historian and media star
Simon Schama, an inveterate anti-Trump tweeter, angrily told a BBC
Newsnight audience that Trump’s election was akin to Adolf Hitler’s rise to
power in the 1930s. On the BBC’s Question Time on November 11, Professor Sarah Churchwell, a US citizen, was barely able to
contain her fury at the prospect of Trump becoming president and confessed that
she no longer understood her own country.
Senator Joe Manchin is currently squabbling
with fellow Democrat Senator Harry Reid over the propriety of hurling
expletives at the president elect. The New York Times, having spent uncountable
column inches demonising the Republican candidate, is suddenly fearful of
losing its subscribers and issues an apology through gritted
teeth for having persistently denigrated the new leader prior to the
election. Protests erupt in cities all over the United States
at the news of Trump’s victory. Students at Cornell University stage
a “cry-in”, though they are consoled in their
grief by supplies of freshly-brewed coffee courtesy of a sympathetic barista.
More energetically, but with an equal display of cerebral distinction, Columbia
students march around the campus screaming “Fuck Donald
to be outdone, newspaper columnists in the UK are fulsome in their expressions
of outrage that a “racist misogynist” has won the White House. “Don’t for one moment let the horror of the
Trump election become normal”, urges Polly
Toynbee of The Guardian, while fellow journalist Owen Jones tweets that “55% of
white women voting for Trump is one of the most horrifying statistics I’ve ever
seen”. The Mirror goes even further with
a headline predicting the end of civilisation. Canada’s immigration web site crashes on US
election night, overloaded with inquiries from Americans wanting to escape
Trump’s America and presumably believing that terminal implosion will occur
only south of the 49th parallel.
a slightly different but no less partisan approach, a furious Glen Greenwald turns his ire not on the
electorates that voted for Trump and also for Brexit, but on the political
class that has failed to concern itself with the welfare of citizens while watching
complacently as “…elite circles gorged themselves on globalism, free trade,
Wall Street casino gambling, and endless wars”. As an
exercise in angry polemic, Greenwald’s piece is as good as it gets.
is meant by the political class? Essentially, the phrase refers to an inner
circle of elected representatives and their advisers who belong to political
parties that have a proven ability to achieve power. In the United States there
have only ever been two such parties; and despite recent fragmentation, the UK
currently still has two - although some might contend that the number should
now more realistically be one and a half.
attempts at the US presidency have required adherence either to the Democrats
or the Republicans. From time to time, independents like Ross Perot and Ralph Nader have thrown
their hat into the ring, as did minor-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill
Stein this year; but to no avail. If a fresh face is to appear, it must do so
from within the main party stockades. For the Democrats, Obama managed it in
2008 and Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist, nearly did so in
2016. In their different ways, however,
both have ended up toeing the party line.
the outset of his presidency, Obama has arguably remained on the conservative
wing of the Democratic Party. He selected his first cabinet from the
political-class rule-book: several Clinton stalwarts - including Hillary as
Secretary of State, a sprinkling of Republicans including Robert Gates as
Secretary of Defense, and bank executive Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary
when the choice might have fallen on more progressive figures such as Nobel
prize-winners Paul Krugman and Joseph Steiglitz either of whom would have
brought added distinction to the cabinet table.
the end, despite his high intelligence and winning personality, Obama has had
little or nothing to offer the blue-collar Americans who voted him in. Rust
belt states have remained rusty, wealth and income inequality have continued to increase.
Foreign policy, meanwhile, has continued in an expensive and vainglorious
mixture of confusion and belligerence: the failed “surge” in
Afghanistan, aggressive incoherence in the Middle East, bewilderment on Russia
and Ukraine, frustration in trade negotiations with the EU. Obama’s conservatism
is nowhere more evident than in his administration’s coolness towards left-wing
governments in Latin America where policy has ranged from meddling in Venezuela, sanctioning a coup in Honduras,
quietly applauding the impeachment on false charges of
Paraguay’s left-wing President Lugo, and showing approval for Argentina’s new
right-wing government with a presidential visit.
a cursory glance at Obama’s record demonstrates why, in the world of politics,
appearances often prove deceptive, hopes turn out to be illusory, and
progressive rhetoric ends up sounding like vacuous sloganeering. All parties
claim to be for the people - the right a little less so, the left a little more
so. But in recent years, they have all occupied the same policy landscape, the
one laid out by Reagan and Thatcher. They are neoliberals to a man and woman.
nonconformists, meanwhile, are usually either squeezed out like Bernie Sanders,
or struggle to achieve credibility like Jeremy Corbyn. Neither of these has
succeeded thus far in engaging the people they claim to be addressing. During
the primaries, Sanders had virtually no traction among African Americans and
very little among Hispanics; Corbyn has scant following in the deprived areas
of the north of England and the Midlands, and none at all in Scotland. Sanders
in the end compromised his principles by supporting Hillary for the sake of the
party. Corbyn and his colleagues fall back on the vocabulary and thinking of
the 1970s when unions were strong, manufacturing still a major component of the
UK economy, and the financial sector didn’t rule the roost. The Democratic
Party reined in Sanders, and though the electoral result may unleash him again,
time is not on his side. Corbyn’s vocabulary remains firm, but thus far he enjoys
limited credibility among those he most needs to convince. Sanders’ followers
are largely young, idealistic students and middle-class intellectuals, and so
too are Corbyn’s. Both are fluent in the requisite progressive vocabulary and
they doubtless use it honestly; but they mainly reach those who think they know
the answers to the problems of the poor, the unemployed, and the disadvantaged,
among whom they themselves were never numbered.
Trump and Farage from the outfield - the true disrupters of convention. Both
have picked up on widespread public disaffection and moulded their language to
suit - Trump, one suspects by instinct and Farage by calculation, though the
result is the same. It is Trump, of
course, who matters; and what is interesting and instructive about some of his
prescriptions for addressing blue-collar anger in particular is that they are
fundamentally left-of-centre. Whatever one may think of his xenophobic
outbursts, his crude sexual boasting, his transparent vulgarity, these may fade
into insignificance beside his stated desire to revamp America’s economic
profile and the role of the state - ambitions, incidentally, that could put him
at loggerheads with a Republican congress. Three policies, in particular, might
prove ground-breaking.
the hostility to free trade deals - including the NAFTA (North American Free
Trade Agreement). Trump has understood than free trade is never free. As soon
as the ink has dried on the parchment, the signatories to trade deals find
themselves obliged to open their borders to each other’s exports regardless of
the interests of employees, communities, and even whole regions and sectors of
activity. Tariffs reduce or disappear, but competition does not. Companies free
to operate within a free trade area can move to where costs are lower - not
only labour costs but also those related to energy prices, taxes, exchange
rates, environmental standards and so on. Rust, decay and unemployment in
regions thereby deprived of economic activity are among the less happy
consequences, accompanied all too often by neglect from officialdom.
formal trade deals do not exist, companies may also shift production to
lower-cost countries, but governments at least remain free to implement
countervailing policies without being dragged before a tribunal. Free trade
deals, by contrast, bypass democratic accountability as the Canadian government
learned when it tried to ban the
importation of a toxic fuel additive from the United States.They are set in
stone. They oblige the signatory countries to submit to their wording
regardless of changing economic conditions. They can and sometimes do prevent
governments from acting in the national interest. By minimising production
costs - but not necessarily prices and certainly not profits - they also help
to concentrate wealth in the hands of capitalists and senior executives, and
thereby to increase inequality. Trump’s hostility to trade deals may or may not
prove advantageous, but it is far from indefensible.
Trump’s team is beginning to outline a
tax plan that is again more coherent than may first
appear; and though it may look thoroughly right-wing, the corporate tax element
has more to do with common sense than ideology. At present the US has the
OECD’s highest corporate tax rate,
One consequence is that instead of repatriating their overseas profits, US
companies operate abroad from low-tax jurisdictions like Ireland (tax rate
12.5%) and stash much of the rest in tax havens like Bermuda
and Cayman Islands. Lowering the US corporate tax rate could be a means of
inducing US corporations “back home” - bringing jobs and investment with them as well as revenue to
the government.
Trump is proposing major investment in infrastructure. Unlike many politicians,
he understands the difference between capital
and operating expenditure; and he knows that investment by the state in,
for example, highways, airports, educational facilities etc. not only increases
employment, it also has the long-term effect of reducing operating costs.
Compare the UK’s so-called PFI initiative by which clever Labour and Tory
chancellors sought to save public money by getting the private sector to
finance capital projects. PFI’s signal achievement has not been to save public
money, but to put hospitals into the red and excessive profits into the hands
of corporations, while adding to the deficit.
summary, some of Trump’s most
significant economic policy proposals are ones that would not or should not
seem outlandish if they were to come from Sanders or Corbyn. Much left-wing
commentary would have us believe that Trump’s elevation signals the end of
days. But the poor, the unemployed, and those many who feel marginalised by the
relentless march of neoliberalism may beg to differ. Even if voters find some
of Trump’s opinions distasteful, when it comes to putting bread on the table,
they will choose to feed the kids. While the media are fretting about the
Mexican wall and the deportation of illegal immigrants - policies already
softening and destined in time to become footnotes - they are forgetting Bill
Clinton’s celebrated aphorism: “It’s
the economy, stupid!”.
Interesting, but I see too many parallels regarding the way so many in History have rose to power. In this my trust is stretched.
Some comments:
ReplyDelete- criticism of Obama is one sided: not one mention of any positives
- Reagan and Thatcher are 'neoliberal' ????
- Trump's plan on revamping US economics, I think is an illusion: one just has to look at his cabinet appointments to see that the same wealthy and powerful he railed against during the election are there, not to mention cozying up to Putin. Favours? Payoffs? Billionaires helping billionaires (although the choice for Transportation Secretary seems pretty good). And with his chief strategist being Steve Bannon, an unrepentant white supremacist, I don't think Trump is 'softening' his bigotry one bit.
- Lastly, the idea that trickle-down economics will work this time, nah: it has and always will favour the wealthy
Look up the meaning of “neoliberal”. Reagan and Thatcher were the two political avatars of neoliberalism - its quintessential political representatives.
DeleteObama’s foreign policy - in particular - has been an unmitigated disaster both with respect to eastern Europe and the Middle East. And his failure to deal with the rust-belt states of the US has paved the way for Trump and for Republican majorities in both houses of congress. Obamacare is a pale reflection of what he intended and its implementation has lost him huge middle-class support. I like Obama personally. He is a dignified, highly intelligent man; and we will miss him. But he has been a weak and ineffectual president. Corruption? Try Hillary Clinton and her grotesque relationship with Wall St and the big banks; plus her hard-line,and wholly self-defeating foreign policy positions evident during her time as Sec State.
Trickle-down economics? Of course it’s nonsense. But not one politician has tried to challenge it since the Reagan-Thatcher era.
We all need to wake up and smell the coffee. The entire Western world has been betrayed by the so-called progressive, left-of-centre political class. Brexit, Trump, Le Pen in France, Wilders in the Netherlands, Germany’s AfD, UKIP in the UK - are all products of the left’s failure of principle, its fatuous and deceiving rhetoric about standing-up for for the less-well-off when in reality it has pursued policies that during all but the last decade of the 20th century would have been universally and rightly considered right wing. Blue-collar workers in the US - indeed the entire US lower middle class has experienced zero benefit from US economic growth since the early 1970s (sic). All the benefits have gone to the wealtiest 10% - and most of all to the 1%. Similar story in the UK where whole swathes of the North of England and South Wales are mired in poverty.
Trump’s plan to revamp US economics may well be an illusion - but for the millions who have lost out it’s unlikely to be worse.
Obama has been hobbled throughout his Presidency due to the unfavourable balance in both houses of Congress. I expect Trump will be too. I really hope you are right in your believe that he might help the 'Blue-collar' section, but I, personally, doubt it....I remain fearful all round. As for Trump's team; I far prefer Hillary's....In spite of her perceived 'Corruption'. Do we trade them for a group of Far Right Religious Fanatics and Military 'has-beens'?
DeleteMO, but, anyway, Happy New Year to you both. Thanks for the reply.